Introducing the all new "Infinity Stones"... for business.

The key elements you need to raise your first $1M (and beyond)

Last issue I talked a little bit about the INFINITY STONES from the Marvel movies and how this concept will help you raise capital faster … and more efficiently. .

But first, let’s agree that there is A LOT to learn from AVENGERS: ENDGAME:

  • Avengers: Endgame surpassed Avatar’s record as the highest-grossing movie of all time.

  • The film made more money in its debut weekend than any other movie in history,

  • and its opening day was the highest grossing of all time.

  • Total total topline revenue for Endgame was $2.79 billion.

The key to this success was the Infinity Stones narrative.

Today, I want to dive deeper into how you get your own set of INFINITY STONES, but first let’s recap…

The big bad guy in the Marvel movies is a big ugly dude by the name of Thanos, hellbent changing the universe, for better and for worse.

His tools in the quest are the Infinity Stones…

Each “stone” gave him another set of special powers, and strengthened is abilities overall.

But when you look deeper into the stones, they really provided more CONTROL… and more CERTAINTY

  • The Space Stone allows one to control physical space and move between one area and another …

  • The Reality Stone allows one to control the creation of things with the mere “snap” of your fingers…

  • The Mind Stone allows one to control the mind’s of others…

  • The Soul Stone allows one to control destiny …

  • The Time Stone allows one to control time - turning it back or looking at future possibilities…

  • The Power Stone allows one to control energy…

Each of these tools is powerful enough on their own, but you can imagine what’s possible when one controls them all?

Which is why need your own set of stones to get more control over Space, Mind, Reality, Time and Power in your own business.

Let’s jump into today’s issue and I’ll show you how it works…

Raising Capital Ain’t Easy…

Before we jump into stones, let’s obliterate what I call the Myth of Sand Hill Road…

This notion most capital raising CEOs have that you can simply take your financial offer to Silicon Valley VC firms, get a unicorn valuation and get all the money you need to grow.

Let me be brutally honest - it does NOT work this way for anybody except for the most elite entrepreneurs who have a tangible track record of scoring business hits.

Nobody is sitting there waiting to give you millions of dollars for your ideas.

Anyway, any idea you have, or might have, has already been pitched up and down Sand Hill Road ten times … before 9am this morning. 

Yeah, I know there are people out there who want to make you believe capital markets is all about great ideas, but it’s not.

Even those unicorn companies with nosebleed valuations and VC investors spent THOUSANDS of hours on carefully crafting their story pitch, creating the perfect financial offer, stress-testing their assumptions and everything else that goes into the process.

Here’s The REALITY…

With the right INFINITY STONES of Business, I can get myself to a multi-million dollar investment “Endgame”, controlling everything to my satisfaction, and do it very rapidly, usually with just 3 pages, like this:

Introducing the Pitch-finity Stones

If Marvel’s Infinity Stones were all about power and control over the universe, then my Pitch-finity Stones are all about giving you the power and control over the success of your deal.

These are each TOOLS to help you tell your story and share the details of your deal in the clearest and most compelling way possible.

I’ll explain each one below at a high level and then I want you to take a quick survey of which ones you feel you already have in your possession.

Let’s jump in…

#1: Origin Story

Can you tell someone your life story, how you got into your business and what credibility you have in 2 minutes or less? Don’t worry if you can’t, most other people are terrible at doing this.

But if you’re going to make a capital raising pitch, you need to get this dialed in. That’s something I can do with my eyes closed, not because I’m smart but because I’m using a proven template you can use to write your own.

With the Origin Story, you control the narrative about who you are and why you’re the right person to run your company.

#2: Warm Email Outreach

In reality, everyone with the potential & means to help fund your deal should be on your warm email outreach list.

Because if you can’t convince them to take a chance on you, how in the world are you going to convince a stranger?

By starting out with Warm Email Outreach, you help control the outcome of your capital raise by going out to the people most likely to take a risk on you in the early stages - the people who already know, like and trust you. Other people will follow them in.

#3: 3-Page Teaser

In order to be able to pitch someone your deal, you need to get in the room first. That’s where the 3-Page Teaser comes in. I already showed you one above.

The 3-Page Teaser allows you to control the initial narrative about your deal - giving just enough information to generate interest, but not so much they try to evaluate the deal before you even present it.

#4: Financial Offer (Window Sticker)

When you’re going for your first (and sometimes even your second or third) round, you’re probably not going to have a fully stress-tested financial model with 3 to 5-year pro forma statements that deliver accuracy and certainty to investors.

But no matter what level of capital raising you’re at, you MUST present your financial offer in a crystal clear way.

What financial security are you selling me?

If there’s even a shred of confusion or doubt with potential investors, you’re toast.

The Financial Offer is ALL about control - you’re laying out in a crystal clear way the terms of the deal you’ll accept.

#5: 8-Slide Pitch Deck

If you simply walk onto a zoom there thinking you can tell your story and win them over with a random set of slides and a “Change the World”-story, they’ll bulldoze you into the ground and laugh about it over lunch.

The 8-slide pitch deck is how you avoid that. It gives you the key elements you need to present a financial offer that will get any-stage investors saying “tell me how”.

The 8-Slide Pitch Deck is the ultimate control stone - for a few minutes you control the entire room … commanding authority and attention while you layout exactly why this is a deal your potential investors should be in.

#6: Unique Mechanism

If you haven’t heard of this one, I’m not surprised. It’s not included in the pitch templates most firms will give you and tell you to use.

When you have a Unique Mechanism, it gives you control over the narrative and what makes your company and your deal one to pay attention to.

At a very high level, these are the 6 key Pitch-finity stones…

(Yeah, I probably need to come up with another name before Disney sues me.)

These are likely all you need to pitch your deal and get money if you’re trying to get $1M, 10M or 100.

Because once you have this, you’ve got a FOUNDATION you can build from to create what I’ll call the Oren Klaff Certified Pitch Deck.

If you want to dive deeper into these Pitch-finity stones, join me on Thursday May 18th at 9am PT (12pm ET).

This entire presentation will last only about an hour. And while I will be covering material you may have seen before, I’m also going to go deeper into the new stuff like the Pitch-finity Stones.

So make sure you’re in the Zoom room with me next Thursday and let’s help you take a big step forward as a Capital Raising CEO.



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